Monday, January 7, 2008

First Blog Entry for 2340

Welcome to Creative Compass.

The name of the blog is a work in progress, kind of like me. I have many diverse interests centring around creativity, so my postings and interests will be varied. This first posting is an example of this as I need to post links to two blogs of interest as part of a course assignment (I have gone back to school). After much deliberation I chose music and martial arts.

When I was a kid I would save my allowance to buy records like Kiss and Alice Cooper. My dad would ask me why I would waste my money on such music because (in his view) I will never listen to them when I get older. Well, three decades and three careers later I still love to rock. I own a drum set which I occasionally beat mercilessly. One of my favourite bands for complex percussion is Metallica. I find that people either love this band or hate them. For those who love them, check out this link to a Metallica blog which has some great photos and a clean and visually pleasing layout.
Sometimes it is good to ignore your parents. Rock on!

Martial Arts
Another love of mine is martial arts. I have a black belt in Tae kwon do. I do not hold one martial art above any other as I believe that they all have strengths and weaknesses. I really enjoy the philosophical teachings that each discipline centres their practices around. These are teachings that I believe will help each of us to be better people and live better lives because they focus on harmony and balance. The material world focuses on money and competition. It is easy to lose one's self and centre in this rat race. Taking a step back and restoring balance will put things in perspective and help each person focus on what is really important in their life. I had trouble deciding on which blog I enjoyed more, so I have included both. The first one is visually pleasing and has some good links to other blogs. The second is not as visually pleasing, but I enjoyed the story of how this blogger got the name for his site. It also contains some good links and information. Enjoy both.

I am new to blogging and not so savvy in this realm. I look forward to hearing from those of you who are. Please feel free to forward links to blogs that you have found useful and informative.
See ya.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you keep blogging, you'll likely be amazed at the path it takes. .. a life of its own.

I used to fight writing it - because I had nothing to say and should have, or didn't quite know what to say, or felt I must r=write everyday.

I've been lucky to have had several regular readers who have given really positive feed back (i.e. they like my quirky sense of humour)and so now, I really feel like I own my blog.

And.... I still keep to the original idea.. its for me (although I do like to see who reads my stuff)

(the hubs gets into the foray sometimes in the comments *lol*)